

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tires and Chocolate

We left the house by 9 am this morning, we ended up going to the psychologist to pick up 2 dose change prescriptions, then to the squeeze in appointment at the orthodontist because C had a wire come out on the bottom.  After there we went back across town to the pharmacy only to find that she incorrectly wrote one of the Rx's.  We eat some lunch and end up having to go get new tires on one of the cars.  GREAT. I have a HUGE problem with going to WalMart for anything, and I do mean anything, automotive related. I'm kind of a snob like that. But mostly when I was much younger I had my "dream" car. It was beautiful. I had an oil change done at, eh hm, Walmart only to get about 5 miles down the road and my engine blows up because they didn't put the filter on tight enough and all the oil drained out.  Anyways, after a bunch of calling around they were about $50 cheaper than anywhere else.  So away we go.  I have officially found the point at which Cayden can no longer handle Walmart.  It is exactly 23 minutes.  Which is about 21 minutes longer than it takes me to have a meltdown LOL.  about 40 minutes in I get called back where they want to jack me around, after I made it perfectly clear it wasn't going to happen, we continued on....  I was perusing the makeup isle where C proceeded to lay across the isle because he was BOOOOREEEEd-UH.  People couldn't get around him.  I told him to get up off the floor or I would extend his grounding.  ( yeah, that's a long story).  So push comes to shove, as I'm not about to argue with him, I reach down and put my hand under his armpit to lift him up. At this time, I want to point out there are about 7 people standing and watching the show. He fails himself backwards and screams, "you can't do that because there are security cameras right on you! You better stop or they will get you in trouble for doing this to me!".  Really? I wish I would have had the mind to stop and take a picture of this crowd of people all standing there judging me. Instead, I closed my eyes, held by breath and walked away.  I figured he'd follow me, and he did.   We carried on through the store where he kept on doing things and taking it too far and was unable to reason with anything. TWO hours later the damn tires are done.  I was the only person there to get tires and a guy was working on it the entire time.  What the hell takes so long? I could have done it faster myself. We get home, he takes a nap and silly me, I had hopes that he'd be "reset". Fat chance.  We've spent the last 4 hours in one power struggle after another.  He got on the elliptical for 10 minutes or so but came in raging that we said "one time, a long time ago, that we'd do something".  I don't even know what it was, but he was pissed that we didn't do it.  I had him get his pajamas on and lay down to read a littler earlier than usual in hopes that he could unwind a bit.  Again, BIG FAT CHANCE..  He was quiet all of 3 minutes before he came out and demanded his Hershey bar I bought for him on Saturday.  My sister and brother in law took the boys to a parade and of course, all the candy they threw out is stuff he wasn't suppose to eat because of his expanders and braces.  I felt for him, so I bought him a chocolate bar.  Come to find out he had some of the candy anyways so I didn't feel the need to give it to him. In his world, once something is said, it is what it is.  Because I said it was for him, he believes he may do with it as he pleases.  It turned into a grab fight, because we don't eat many sweets and nobody else is eating candy or dessert tonight.  Now here's my dillemma.  I put it in the trash can, and he'll dig that sucker back out. So what do I do, I shove the entire thing in my mouth (not my proudest moment and my stomach hurts like crazy now).  Now there's nothing to fight about.  It's gone. end of story.
     At present he is crying because he just knows that Ryker is going to get to eat ALL of that parade candy.  Honestly, I just threw candy away from 2 Halloween's ago that I found in that nifty little cupboard above the fridge.  I know it's gross, judge in silence haha.  I just don't get it.  He makes it seem as if I'm so one sided and show so much favoritism. Bleh.  C has been talking to himself for 23 minutes about how mean I am and how I broke a promise.  Actually MR. literal, I never promised anything, I distinctly remember saying, "since you already had some you don't need this". 
     Top it off, and little Ry has been an emotional mess for weeks.  All he does is cry because everyone is hurting his feelings (ie. "get off your dresser Ryker".  "I know! you don't have to be so ruuuude!" and here comes the waterfall of tears.). 
     We are getting ready to go on vacation for 5 days.  I'm already dreading it.  I don't know if C's issues are stemming from the anxiety of the trip/ change.  I'm sure once we are there he will mellow out... hopefully.   But when we get home, I really don't want to have to go through this again.  Just in time to do it all over again in a few weeks when it's time to go back to school... Then time to go to day care for the first time.  Then.. and then... and then.  So much for that wonderful fingernail polishing quiet break I had.  It's back to real life, real tears, and an upset tummy from too much chocolate.
    That is all.

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