

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Black and white minded don't really like black and white things....

After an hour long phone conversation with an old friend of mine last night I went to bed later than usual.  I turned the TV on to try and unwind a bit and what did I find? Alf.  I couldn't resist.  After Alf, was Wonder Years.  I was in 80's child euphoria!

Watching these shows got me to thinking about the other day, I was watching The Adams Family.
C comes to sit down and says," wait, is this whole thing in black and white?".  Yep, it sure is.  Ry loved it, but C didn't.  I found it funny that someone who see's the world in black and white doesn't really care for things that are actually black and white, they are just not interesting.

     Earlier that evening after my husband got home from work, he sat down to do a writing assignment ( he also goes to college and works full time *sooo proud of him) and the topic was these millions of ADHD diagnoses that seem to be all the rave these days.  I'm very opinionated about an ADHD/ADD diagnosis.  My thoughts are this: remove processed foods and eat foods that are free of dyes and other chemicals and preservatives, remove/limit overstimulating activities like too much tv and video games, get the kids up and play.  I'd be willing to be that at least half the kids diagnosed would see symptoms fade.But unfortunately there are a lot of parents who jump for meds instead of testing first.  Did you know that preservatives and dyes are linked to causing hyperactivity in children?  
    So all these thoughts are swirling around in my head like they were dancing the freaking cha cha at midnight and here's the result of my thinking:
  • when and why did tv become so offensive?  When did it become ok for a cartoon to call someone an idiot? ( Sponge Bob, which my kids aren't allowed to watch)
  • when was the first time they were allowed to say "b!t@$" on day time television and was it a total shock to everyone?
  • I like guilty pleasure tv as much as the next guy, probably even more... I LOVE tv.  
  • I'm glad I don't let them watch too much tv.
  • They are buttholes when they watch too much tv.
  • I wonder if anyone else is watching Alf.
  • I'm never going to fall asleep.
  • Ohh my goooodness, Ry snores like a wind tunnel...
  • Danny snores like a mac truck's jake brake.
  • I want sleep.
  • I want pie.
  • I wan......
And that's all I remember.  So I sit here, so peaceful feeling this morning, glad I'm a strict as I am with tv and video game rules, drinking my coffee and listening to only the keyboard and the birds.  It must be the day I buy a lottery ticket because both kids are still alseep.  I even heard C's watch alarm go off about 10 mins ago and still no kids.
     I wonder what would happen if I only let the kids watch shows from 1990 and earlier....

Ry is awake and concerned that he woke up too late and didn't get a hug and a kiss from his dad before he left for work.  And this turns into him being concerned about how Cayden will feel when he wakes up and realizes he's missed it too.  At this very moment Ry is putting the silverware away "so Cayden doesn't have much to do when he wakes up" to try and ease up the morning for him.  It's not often, but I am seeing from time to time that they are very considerate of each others feelings and it's almost like C is  learning some of this compassion from his little brother.  It's funny to watch the roles be reversed. 

This is my boys at my sisters wedding a few weeks ago...  It's a beautiful moment.

For the love of old tv shows, comradery, and a wholesome childhood.  

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