

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Silence... at least til breakfast....

     A good friend of mine made a reference yesterday that just about made me fall over, because it was so spot on. She said, "Your chaos, His order".  Whaaaa??!!  She pretty much summed up my life in 4 teeny tiny words.  I think if I ever write a book, that's going to be the title. lol. 
     C wasn't feeling too well yesterday and as bad as it may sound, I enjoyed yesterday.  We were lazy for the whole day, which NEVER happens in my world.  There were no arguments amongst the boys, no one broke rules so C didn't have any meltdowns and Ry was contently playing with legos ALL day.  Bed time rolls around and it's the same as every other night, brush teeth, go pee, get drink, hugs and kisses and get your butts to bed by 8:10.  Since C wasn't feeling well (he has a 103.2 fever)  I let him lay on the couch so I could keep an eye on him.  Ry was in bed and all was quiet for a while... But then, my husband, myself, and C started talking, and giggling a bit.  Next thing you know we hear Ry " PPLEEEAASSEEE BEEE QUIEEETTT!!".   " Your talking is keeping me awaaaaaakeee!!!".  Now you can think what you want, but this is hilarious.  My kids don't talk rude to people like that, and it was more an annoyed plea for silence than flat out rudeness.  We stop talking and press play on the DVR.  " My...., Head..... Is.... Going.... To..... Explode.... In.... ONE MINUTE!!!!  Turn it DOOOOWNNNN-UH".  We can barely contain ourselves, but pull it together just in case, you never know. lol
    Then comes morning.  I wake up, before 6 a.m., to arguing.  At least we know C is feeling better.  Apparently my payback to keeping Ry awake was for him to get up, play on my phone, hide it, eat 2 yogurts and something else ( I honestly can't remember because I wasn't fully awake yet).  Which turned into a "no I didn't", "yes you did" "nuh-uh"  "uh-uh" fight, that continues as I type at 7:31.  I made them both go back to bed where they are so mad at me that they are "NOT TALKING TO YOU!!!" (meaning me) all day.......  Well folks, this just might shape up to be a great day. Peace and quiet. I better soak it all in, because I have a feeling all day really means until breakfast time, they know who feeds them.  ;)
  Love and Cheerios from our house to yours.

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