

Friday, July 20, 2012

Surprise rafting and new beds.

Let me start by saying I'm blogging from my phone,  so there's bound to be some typos and really awesome autocorrects. 
After a few days of help from my mother in law, a break to go to the doctor and a hair cut and a pep talk while kid free,  I feel like a new woman!  Funny how something so small can make you feel so great.  Yesterday I gave C his MP3 player back after he got it taken away from him because it was a major impairment on his listening skills. Earlier in the day he was a mess. Yelling at me and Ry for previous events.  He was sitting at the table and I pulled the MP3 player out and set it in front of him. My M.I.L. whispered to him, " you should probably tell her thank you for giving it back even though you weren't very nice ".   He walks over to me very calmly and says " thank mom for giving it back..... even though I was a jerk ".  I asked him if he knew why he got it back. His answer was no. I explained to him that I gave it back because me having it had nothing to do with his behavior today.  What happened yesterday has nothing to do with today. He looked at me confused for a minute. Then without saying a word he threw his arms around me and gave me a giant hug. "Thanks mom " he said softly.  I had to fight back tears.
   Then on Saturday we had a surprise birthday party -rafting trip for a friend of ours. I wasn't sure how the boys would do on a 3-4 hour ride down the river. They did surprisingly well. Reports were it was super fun because they got to use squirt guns ( the giant dipsticks)  the whole time.  About half way down Ry requested to go back because he wanted to be done. But,  we got to a stopping point had some snacks and he got in the raft with bus other 2 favorite adults. At about 3 hours in I could see that C had reached his limit. He was no longer capable of sitting still and was obsessing over getting something in another raft. (We had 2 rafts that towed another 2 rafts with older kids and coolers.) When we finally got done we had an amazing bbq where everyone proceeded to eat too much. It was fun.... a lot of fun.
   C had a hard time going to bed. We started at 8:00 and struggled  with him until 9:45 when we simply shut the door. I think he even slept through the night.  I know I did. I woke up in the sane position I fell asleep in. Lol.
     On Friday we went to Costco and bought the boys their first set of new mattresses . They had twin size pillow top Sealy's for $119. The boys were so excited. .... until we got home. C was making his new bed and went into full meltdown mode. It sounded like something off the exorsist movies coming from his bedroom. After about.5 minutes of screaming and hyperventalating he comes out if his room with blood shot eyes and a Rosy face and says he can't stand the new mattress.  The old ones have handles in the mattress so it is easy to move. The new ones don't. I never would have imagined that a change as small and welcomed as a new mattress would bring so much turmoil. I showed him how to move it without handles and he grumbled for a bit,  but he eventually got done and seemed pleased at bed time.
     I find its easier to see things that are out if his control than I used too. A year ago I might have disciplined him for having a tantrum over a new bed. Can you imagine what it must feel like to always feel so anxious and over stimulated? 
     C seems to be doing better today after what seemed to be a good nights rest for everyone. Hes less confrontational and whiny. So that's always a plus.
     Fingers crossed for a peaceful evening,

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