

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

4th grade woes.

C is off to school today, or as C calls it, the "big 4th grade".  He had a major meltdown for several hours yesterday about the upcoming events.  He nodded off relatively early which was a nice change... But then- he was wide awake at 3:43 this morning.  We unplugged everything and locked up all the computers to make sure he couldn't have anything to do in hopes he'd go back to sleep... Big fat chance.
He was pacing back and forth with wild eyes for at least an hour and a half before school started, shoes, backpack, water bottle and snack ready to go.  I watched him recite what he was going to do today to himself.  I'm not sure he even knew he was talking out loud.  We walked to school and all the while I watched kids high fiving and hugging.  A few of them tried to talk to C but he just kept walking.  Until he saw an adult he recognized, he ran up and hugged him and gave him knucks.  It was interesting to watch.  He seemed to be holding it together, which means the moment he walks in the door today, it's tick, tick, tick... BOOM! It might be today, maybe not until this weekend, but it's gonna happen.  It will all catch up with him and he'll loose it.  But I'll be ready.  The principal is going to keep her eye on him throughout the day and keep me updated.  I'm nervous for him for lots of reasons.  But I've armed him with the idea it's only a part of your day, a small brush to clean his braces out with so the kids don't have an extra reason to be asshats to him, a good snack, a water bottle so he doesn't get too disruptive in class because he  gets thirsty when he's nervous or anxious.

Ry is enjoying his time to annoy me all by himself.  He has "reorganized" the cup lids about 40 different ways because "he likes to organize".  Maybe you should organize you own shit then stud muffin. I have a system. It works well for me.  It doesn't make me want to throw things like a baby and scream when I can't find them. But yes, he's trying to be helpful, so I say these things in my own head and let him do it.   He's spilled about 12 gallons of milk, climbed on top of the counter and in the top of the cupboard, eaten 800 pieces of jerky, and screwed up all the silverware in the drawer because he didn't like it.  Siiiigh. I'm sure he's having a bit of separation anxiety from all the love time he's had with his brother this summer.  Love time... hahahahahaha..

I'm going to leave you all with an image that makes me think of C and Ry.  C would kill to be in Kindergarten and Ry would sell his brothers bike (<- no that is not a typo lmao) to be able to go to the "big" kid class.

For the love of jerky, 


  1. Cayden told me on the phone tonight that school was so good today. Cause the teacher kept telling them what to do. And that it was "chaos" at home. I asked him why it was chaos and he said, well mom keeps telling Ryker to do stuff and he is doing other stuff. when i asked him if he was doing what mom had asked him to do his answer was, " i can't because i have to keep telling mom that Ryker isn't doing what she said". Notice that he is not tattling he was just informing you of his brothers inability to do what you wanted. Gotta love them.

  2. Yeah... Ryker is working my last nerve. C is king of the castle all the sudden and I need to be a drinker. LOL
