

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Screwy week with a side of refreshing

We've had a week that consisted of one screwy situation after another.  By Wednesday hubbs and I were ready to punch someone.  All week we've dealt with STUPID people. Every time we turn around someone has said or done something so ridiculous I don't know how they even manage to mutter the words. 
THEN I find out my class schedule has changed.  Late in the day. On Friday. Bookstore closes at 4 and class starts at 8 a.m. Monday. AWESOME. Yesterday, for example, I had to go to the post office THREE times because the lady was unable to help me. So I had to come home, purchase the damn postage myself.  Oh, did I mention our town was out of internet service for 30 hours?  So I had to tether my laptop to my phone.  Then when I tried to print the labels, guess what.  The mother freaking printer all the sudden decides not to work.  By the end of the 40 minute fiasco I had: pulled the pc desk out and unplugged everything from the back because I couldn't figure out which one was the printer USB.  Dropped all books of the top of the desk.  Knocked over the box of "to shred" papers.  And drop kicked a dry erase marker.  Hubbs called on his lunch break and I told him it looked like someone turned the desk upside down, shook it, kicked it, put it in a tornado, and put it back crooked, so I'm gonna let you fix it when you get home. Obviously he's not amused.  All this, only to find out.... the printer wasn't even plugged in to the back of the pc.  It was lying ever so gently behind the printer 6 feet away from my hissy fit.  WINNING.  So the whole point of this was the wifi for the printer wasn't working. Finally got it fixed. 
After the post office I went to the market. The guy in front of my topped the cake.  He bought a bunch of shit food, frozen pizzas, chips, corn dogs, you know, healthy stuff.  Fills the conveyer belt with shit. THEN has the cashier "go get that $9 bottle of Seagram's vodka. ... No not that one.... Not that one..... Yeah, that one. "   Are you ready for the win?   Wait for it...................  He paid for his well balanced food with FOOD STAMPS. While buys cigs and booze.  OMFG! I'm standing here adding up my basket that has only the necessities and he's all willy nilly with his food stamps and buying cigs and booze in the same fracking transaction.  See, WIN.
I came home with every intention of closing the blinds and hiding out the rest of the day.But then I get a phone call from the new autism specialist at C's school.  So instead of trying to find a time to meet with her in a few weeks, I just skipped my jolly ass over to the school for an impromptu meeting.  Finally some good news. They are going to start working on sensitivity training with the other kids in his class. Also, they will be working with C to try to get him to understand why he's different.  He knows he "has" Aspergers.  But I don't think he's making the connection to what that really means.  The lady was so kind and it was refreshing for the day I already was having.  A day that just proceeded a screwy week.  She has a 25 year old son who has A.S.  so she gets it. All in all it was a good meeting.
But then I walked out of the school doors.  And more of the "are you f*&!@^g kidding me? went down.  Oh well. It's Saturday.  Ry had his first sleep over with the neighbor boys, C is going to a birthday party today at his best friends house.  I might be canning some more salsa with my mom today and I'm getting ready to drink my first cup of coffee. 

Enjoy your weekends!  I know I will, last weekend before my life is nothing my textbooks and classes for 70 hours a week until Xmas.  Hell, I might even take a nap. ;)  Haha. right.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Model kinder and New Friends

So Ry went to his very first day of Kindergarten.  He got up early, showered, ate only half of his breakfast, brushed his teeth until they were "sparkly squeaky clean".  Made sure the (now pay attention here) tag in the inside of the pants matched the color of the shirt, because otherwise people will know and they won't think he's cool.   Upon arrival he was so excited that he couldn't hardly wait to get started.  He hung out on the playground with C for a few minutes.  While we were standing there we snuck a peek as C's new friend he's been telling us about.    The boy was kind and even took a break from wall ball to help C teach Ry to play.  It was cute.  Finally, the bell rang.  The kinders lined up on the #5 painted on the playground.  It was time for class.  The excitement took a back seat to reality, crap, mom's really going to leave me here.  He hesitated for a minuted and gave me a giant hug...a really long one. I told him he'd have to let go soon.  He whispered, "not yet".  My little heart melted.  So one last squeeze of a hug and he got in line.  Up the ramp he went with all the other little ducklings in a line.  Dad stepped up and gave him a high 5 and that's all he needed to know it was going to be OK.  The anxious face faded and that little cheesy smile we love came back out.

We walked down (we live very close to the school and we is hubbs and I - he took the day off for Ry's first day of Kindergarten as he did for C when he was 5) to the school to get him and when we got there he was all smiles and ready to go.  We asked him what he did and his answer " I just hung out".  LOL. Really? We saw the principal (who I adore a great deal-she's a very kind hearted person) on our way off he property and apparently he set quite the example for the rest of the kids she said, "he was a model student". HAHAHAHAHA. Whaaaat?  Well. I've trained him well.  He talks about what he had for lunch and the fact that he got to eat in a cafeteria which is almost as cool as getting a new bike.  If I had known that I could have saved a shit ton of money on his birthday.  Kidding.  Kind of. ;)   So we ask what else he did at school.  " I played, I criss cross applesauced, I went pee..."  me-"where did you pee? You know you can't pee outside at school right?".  Ry-"oh yes, I peed inside".  Try to hold your laughter in on that conversation.  He also told us about his sticker he had to wear that told them where each kid went at the end of the day: pick up/bus and how she told him he HAD to leave it on all day.  We get in the house and he takes a nap with ease.  Did I mention he fell asleep with his spiderman mask on? Yep. He did. When he gets up he comes out, still with the mask on, and tells me "can you call Ms. *** (censored for her privacy) and ask her if I can take my sticker off?  I'm bored of it now".    Seriously hilarious.

So C comes home and does his homework.  Without fuss. Can I say amazing?  So he tells me that he gave his N.F. (new friend also for their privacy) our phone number.  N.F. asked his dad if C could come to his birthday party and his dad said sure.  So C, the awesome kid that he is, asks "wait, does your family do drugs? Because I can't come over if your family does drugs" LMAO.  NF said "no, 100% they do not".  Pure Asperger  bluntness. I love it.

Cheers to a successful Monday.  Hope you all enjoy the rest of your week.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

4th grade woes.

C is off to school today, or as C calls it, the "big 4th grade".  He had a major meltdown for several hours yesterday about the upcoming events.  He nodded off relatively early which was a nice change... But then- he was wide awake at 3:43 this morning.  We unplugged everything and locked up all the computers to make sure he couldn't have anything to do in hopes he'd go back to sleep... Big fat chance.
He was pacing back and forth with wild eyes for at least an hour and a half before school started, shoes, backpack, water bottle and snack ready to go.  I watched him recite what he was going to do today to himself.  I'm not sure he even knew he was talking out loud.  We walked to school and all the while I watched kids high fiving and hugging.  A few of them tried to talk to C but he just kept walking.  Until he saw an adult he recognized, he ran up and hugged him and gave him knucks.  It was interesting to watch.  He seemed to be holding it together, which means the moment he walks in the door today, it's tick, tick, tick... BOOM! It might be today, maybe not until this weekend, but it's gonna happen.  It will all catch up with him and he'll loose it.  But I'll be ready.  The principal is going to keep her eye on him throughout the day and keep me updated.  I'm nervous for him for lots of reasons.  But I've armed him with the idea it's only a part of your day, a small brush to clean his braces out with so the kids don't have an extra reason to be asshats to him, a good snack, a water bottle so he doesn't get too disruptive in class because he  gets thirsty when he's nervous or anxious.

Ry is enjoying his time to annoy me all by himself.  He has "reorganized" the cup lids about 40 different ways because "he likes to organize".  Maybe you should organize you own shit then stud muffin. I have a system. It works well for me.  It doesn't make me want to throw things like a baby and scream when I can't find them. But yes, he's trying to be helpful, so I say these things in my own head and let him do it.   He's spilled about 12 gallons of milk, climbed on top of the counter and in the top of the cupboard, eaten 800 pieces of jerky, and screwed up all the silverware in the drawer because he didn't like it.  Siiiigh. I'm sure he's having a bit of separation anxiety from all the love time he's had with his brother this summer.  Love time... hahahahahaha..

I'm going to leave you all with an image that makes me think of C and Ry.  C would kill to be in Kindergarten and Ry would sell his brothers bike (<- no that is not a typo lmao) to be able to go to the "big" kid class.

For the love of jerky,