

Thursday, August 16, 2012

School anxiety and my fudgey catnip.

I finally got to talk to C's new teacher and she was very receptive of us wanting to meet before school starts to try and ease some of C's anxieties about returning to school. 
Here's a list of his concerns:
  • what if the new teacher isn't as nice as Mrs. Miller?
  • what if the new teacher isn't as patient as Mrs. Miller?
  • will I have a quiet place to go when I need it like Mrs. Miller had for me?
  • what if the kids are still jerks?
  • what if the other kids eat things I can't because of my braces and expanders? 
  • ^^ that's not going to be fair.^^
  • how will I know where to go in the new building?
  • what if the other teachers don't like me?
  • maybe no one will like me.
  • Can I still see Mrs. Miller?
  • ^Will my new teacher let me?^
  • Will they let me have other choices for recess like I had at the other school?
  • Can I play wall ball?
  • Will the other kids let me play wall ball?
  • Will the other kids finally follow the rules of wall ball?
Aaaannnndddd, BREATHE! So I talked to her and we will meet twice before school starts. Once next week with just us to get the lay of the land and come up with a strategy and safe places/ activities for when things get overwhelming.  And once the day before school when the other teachers and some other students are there to get a sense of who he will be encountering.  My hope is to take 50% of his fears and squash them so the transition is mildly tumultuous not horrific. I can't take them all away, but this is the best way I can figure to help ease the stress.  My MIL suggested we take some pictures of the class room and other places he will be during school time so he can look over them from time to time and get a sense of comfort about his surroundings.  I think that's a great idea.  Hopefully the teacher doesn't think we are crazy. lol. 

I've also come up with a plan for the kids going to daycare.  Since I don't start school until the end of the month, I am going to let the kids go to school for 2 weeks.  The 3rd week on Tuesday and Thursday, they boys will ride the bus to daycare and stay for 30 minutes, then I will go pick them up.  This way the get established at school a bit and then add in day care the week before I actually have to go back to school, that way if there are any issues that arise I am available to take care of them.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.  Because I am. Part of me is worried about how they will handle the newness of me being unavailable and the rocky transition for C.  The other part is worried about how well I'm going to handle his meltdowns with such a full plate. 

On another note, I'm trying to decide if I have enough time to stay involved with the Policy Council for Head Start.  I'm thinking yes.  It's something I really enjoy doing even though it's kind of boring. lol. I also resigned my position as the VP of the PTO, I really am afraid of stretching myself too thin.  I don't want to add something else that I feel like I HAVE to do.  I had to be honest with myself and I think they understood, I hope so at least.

Well kids, it's time to clean up the house and win the fight against the sugar ants that won't seem to go away... and... I'm out of fudgesicles, so I no longer have an excuse to hide in the closet.  GAAAHHH!  Fudgesicles are like my catnip. I get all warm feeling inside and want to roll around on the floor with the empty wrapper.  I can't help it. I'm a fat kid at heart- don't judge. haha.

1 comment:

  1. I am love with the idea of taking pictures before hand and day care before you actually need it! Good thinking! I hope for the best :)
